We got to the campsite and set up the tent. Guess what. It started RAINING!! Hilarious! After the tent was set up, we went to the canoe rental place. From there we had to follow the canoe guy to go drop off our cars where we would end the trip. Then the canoe guy took us on to the starting point of the trip. About half way there we realized we had left the boys' life jackets in the car. A $75 dollar fine for each! Back we went to get the life jackets! We FINALLY got on the river.
Scott and I could not figure out how to steer the raft (not a canoe). We kept doing 360s. There was nothing to do but laugh our asses off. We did eventually get our act together and got it going straight. Jeb was in the raft with us and Evan was with Ron and Julie. At one point, we caught up to them. Jeb decided to JUMP from our raft to theirs. Very scary. I'm telling you, that kid has NO fear! We finished the trip, headed back to the campsite. 
Probably the best part of the night came somewhere around 1:00 am. Scott and I both had to pee, so we went outside. I didn't feel like walking all the way to the bathroom, so I grabbed some paper towel and a near by tree. I tried to get my feet far enough away from any splatter. I neglected to realize the pee was running down hill. My freakin' pants got soaked by my ankles. It was disgusting. I was so pissed. Pun intended. Of course I wasn't going to sleep with pee soaked pants. So I roughed it out in my undies the rest of the freezing cold night!
We got up, packed up. I didn't brush my teeth or shower! Very hard for me to do! We got home about 1:00 today. At 2 I spiked a fever. I told Scott that I had a good time, but wouldn't be sad if he went with "just boys" next year. I'm pretty sure if I wouldn't have been sick I would have had a better time. Also if there was beer. Beer would have made it alot more fun. 
Anyway, we all survived. Next weekend we're doing Cedar Point. That should be a lot better. I can deal with hotel rooms and heated pools!
You're a great story teller. I laughed a lot during your detailed camping trip. I LOVE the black and white photo of you and Scotty!!! Sorry you were/are sick, sorry you peed on yourself, and sorry that you're a dumbass and DIDN'T TAKE BEER (jk)! xoxo
I thought peeing on yourself was something you did when reached my age. Glad to see that I'm so delayed!
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