Thursday, August 28, 2008

Room mothers unite!

I don't really have anything worth while to say. . . do I ever? Anywho, I just felt like writing -er- typing a bit. So my excitement of the day was the big PTO meeting this morning. I volunteered to take care of the room mother assignments ; mainly because I have a small problem with holding grudges. I'm sure you didn't know that about me (all 2 people that read this). Anyway, the old b**** that used to do it, snubbed me when Evan was in kindergarten and it pissed me off to no end. Then she tried to snub me again in first grade. I wasn't having it! I totally got in and did a good job mind you! Unfortunately for me Evan had been in her daughter's class since preschool through second grade. Good news for me, they moved this year!!! So my ultimate revenge was to take over the organizing. I'm really excited to put my OCD to good use. Unlike that stupid lady, I'm going to be fair in my choices. Except for Evan's class. I'm putting myself as room mother for his class and everyone else can suck it! Evan is so lucky to have me as his mom. Poor kid. Oh well, next year Jeb will be in school there, and I'll start smothering him as well!

1 comment:

~amy said...

Oh for the love, you crack my ass all up worse than stretch marks. Counseling is always an option.