Monday, September 15, 2008

Cedar Point

So, last weekend was the big camping trip. This weekend it was Cedar Point. Much more my style. I had been watching the weather all week long. The chances for rain just kept getting worse and worse. We left about 7 am. It rained the entire way there. Ron and Julie got a room at the Breakers so we could get in an hour early. We were there with plenty of time to spare. . . but that damn rain!!!!
It was pouring so hard, there was no point to go over to the park. We decided to go have lunch and see if it would let up. Nope. So we went back to the hotel to take the boys swimming. It's important to note this was all they cared about.
Cedar Point = Whatever
Hotel Pool = AWESOME!!!
We were at the pool for about 20 min. Thank God it was only 3 feet deep the entire length. Scott and I didn't have to get in! Of course as soon as we got to the pool, the rain came to an almost end. We let the boys swim a couple more minutes and headed over (about 2 pm)
Some of you may know that we scarred Evan for life by taking him on the Millennium Force 2 years ago. This may not sound like a big deal, but it was his first real roller coaster. Scott and I will never forgive ourselves for this! Evan is completely terrified and will not go near a roller coaster. He's totally down with the bumper cars.
Jeb on the other hand is a little dare devil. He LOVED the roller coasters. He'd only go on them once and he was done. He's goofy.
They had had enough of the park by 5 pm so Ron and Julie took them back to swim some more. Scott and I stayed to ride more rides. My legs still hurt from walking all day. And I walk fast. Abnormally fast I've been told. So I pretty much "power walked" for 8 hours. Now my hips are making me feel like I'm 86 years old!
Overall, it was a good day. We rode everything at least 3 times. We sat in the front of Top Thrill Dragster and got COVERED in bug guts. It was really pretty funny. Lord knows that is my ideal vacation. I'm way too type A. It's a great release for me. I feel refreshed after a day at Cedar Point. Scott likes it because I make him like it! Okay, that's not true. He has a good time too.
We've decide next year no kids. They can only last 3 hours and they don't really care about the rides. Therefore, they need to stay home so Mom can enjoy her day. Because in the end, they want me to go, they need me to go. Otherwise, I'm likely to smack them around more than is necessary. . .and that's really not good for any of us!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Camping is for Boys.

So, Saturday I experienced my first camping trip. Let me start by saying, I woke up at 5:45 am with a horrible sore throat. Jeb sounded as bad as I did. I didn't think he and I should go. Jeb started crying. Needless to say, we went. Four hours of fun in the car. Need I say more? My head was throbbing (that's what he said) and I couldn't get enough to drink. That meant stopping to pee every couple of minutes.

We got to the campsite and set up the tent. Guess what. It started RAINING!! Hilarious! After the tent was set up, we went to the canoe rental place. From there we had to follow the canoe guy to go drop off our cars where we would end the trip. Then the canoe guy took us on to the starting point of the trip. About half way there we realized we had left the boys' life jackets in the car. A $75 dollar fine for each! Back we went to get the life jackets! We FINALLY got on the river. Scott and I could not figure out how to steer the raft (not a canoe). We kept doing 360s. There was nothing to do but laugh our asses off. We did eventually get our act together and got it going straight. Jeb was in the raft with us and Evan was with Ron and Julie. At one point, we caught up to them. Jeb decided to JUMP from our raft to theirs. Very scary. I'm telling you, that kid has NO fear! We finished the trip, headed back to the campsite.
Scott and Ron got the fire going. Jeb finished off a bag of marshmallows for dinner. Chocolate was dessert! Poor Evan. Scott showed him how to crack a rock by heating it up and then pouring water over it. Evan assumed the rock would be cool and picked it up. He now has huge blisters on his thumb and index finger. Poor kid. Ron and Julie tried to get the boys to go to sleep. They failed. Finally, Scott and I went in the tent. I usually don't go to bed until 11 or 12. 9:00 was way too early for me. I laid there most of the night. BTW- not a big fan of air matresses. No one farted that much. That was good. Didn't hear any animals close by. Even better. My throat still was a mess and I didn't sleep well.

Probably the best part of the night came somewhere around 1:00 am. Scott and I both had to pee, so we went outside. I didn't feel like walking all the way to the bathroom, so I grabbed some paper towel and a near by tree. I tried to get my feet far enough away from any splatter. I neglected to realize the pee was running down hill. My freakin' pants got soaked by my ankles. It was disgusting. I was so pissed. Pun intended. Of course I wasn't going to sleep with pee soaked pants. So I roughed it out in my undies the rest of the freezing cold night!

We got up, packed up. I didn't brush my teeth or shower! Very hard for me to do! We got home about 1:00 today. At 2 I spiked a fever. I told Scott that I had a good time, but wouldn't be sad if he went with "just boys" next year. I'm pretty sure if I wouldn't have been sick I would have had a better time. Also if there was beer. Beer would have made it alot more fun.
Anyway, we all survived. Next weekend we're doing Cedar Point. That should be a lot better. I can deal with hotel rooms and heated pools!