Thursday, August 28, 2008

Room mothers unite!

I don't really have anything worth while to say. . . do I ever? Anywho, I just felt like writing -er- typing a bit. So my excitement of the day was the big PTO meeting this morning. I volunteered to take care of the room mother assignments ; mainly because I have a small problem with holding grudges. I'm sure you didn't know that about me (all 2 people that read this). Anyway, the old b**** that used to do it, snubbed me when Evan was in kindergarten and it pissed me off to no end. Then she tried to snub me again in first grade. I wasn't having it! I totally got in and did a good job mind you! Unfortunately for me Evan had been in her daughter's class since preschool through second grade. Good news for me, they moved this year!!! So my ultimate revenge was to take over the organizing. I'm really excited to put my OCD to good use. Unlike that stupid lady, I'm going to be fair in my choices. Except for Evan's class. I'm putting myself as room mother for his class and everyone else can suck it! Evan is so lucky to have me as his mom. Poor kid. Oh well, next year Jeb will be in school there, and I'll start smothering him as well!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back To School.

I am so miserably full right now, that the thought of going to bed is not even a possibility. That's what happens when you eat at the Mexican place in Webster I guess. I didn't even eat all of my dinner. . .but I did have a couple bites of Evan and Jeb's. Is that bad? So much for trying to lose 10 lbs. before Jason's concert. Oh well, I'll get back on track tomorrow. Besides, I cleaned all day, so I didn't take time to eat breakfast or lunch; and then rode bikes in the scorching heat today. That has to be worth some burnt calories. RANDOM!!

Anyway, Evan is officially a 3rd grader. I remember that year so well. Good ol' Mrs. Kroh. That happened to be the first year I got my name written on the board. I don't think they do that anymore. He had a really good week. I'm worried about some of the kids in his class, but Evan is such a good kid that I hope he will be okay.

He had to change into gym clothes for the first time on Thursday. He was so nervous. I don't really get it. The kid lives in his undies. Anyway, he said there was one little place where you could change and no one could see you. He said everyone was lined up! Too cute. He was super pissed when he found out he would have to learn cursive this year. I think he is secretly excited but doesn't want anyone to know. cursive = grown up.

He likes his teacher alot. That's good. She reads to them after lunch. I asked if she turned the lights out. He was so shocked that I knew that. Seriously. I remember 3rd grade really well!

Jeb is missing Evan while at school. We went to the grocery store on Friday right after dropping Evan off. We were home by 10:00. Jeb asked if it was time to go get Evan yet. He asked me 3 more times before we actually went to get him. He is counting down the days until he is back in preschool. I honestly don't know what I will do with myself. 3 days of 2 1/2 hours to myself is more than I can handle! I'd like to think I'll exercise or something, but most likely I will sit and eat. Then when November rolls around I'm gonna hate myself! Oh well.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Birthdays are OVER!!!

So all of the birthdays are FINALLY over. I know it's an exciting time but, 5 birthdays in 3 weeks is a lot! I always get so excited for cake towards the end of July and by the time Evan's bday is here, I don't want to see cake for long time.
So Evan had a bon fire for his party. He is such a funny (sometimes frustrating) kid. He had to invite friends and then spent the whole time off by himself. It brought back memories of his party last year when I swore I would not have another "friends" party for him. So seriously, next year it will be just family. He just likes to do his own thing. That's absolutely fine, but when you've got other kids there who want to be entertained it kind of sucks!
He got a Star Wars lego set that he needed desperately. He has done nothing but hang out in his undies and build lego ships. It's really sweet and I know soon enough I'm going to miss these days. He's 9, but he still gives me kissed and hugs. He does have to remind me not to embarrass him from time to time. I have a feeling those reminders are going to be coming more frequently soon.
So we're off on a bike ride right now. Both boys got bikes for their birthdays, an I intend to put them to good use. Not to mention mom need to work some of that cake off of her ass!