Sunday, July 27, 2008

It Goes So Fast.

So today my little bitty baby boy turned 5 years old. This little boy born 6 weeks early has become one of the funniest human beings I have ever met in my entire life. I know in my heart he is destined for great things. He is a natural born leader. . .hopefully he will use it for good! It's hard to believe my "Little Pic" has grown so fast. He's pretty sure he found hair on his chest and that his feet have grown now that he's 5. Evan even said Jeb felt heavier than he did yesterday when he tried to pick him up. It's amazing how much you can grow overnight. Although he told me last night he was going to miss being four, he found comfort in the fact that 5 year olds get to learn how to read and get visits from the Tooth Fairy. AWESOME!
On another note, yesterday was the 12th anniversary of Laura's death. It's always hard to deal with the 26th of July and her death; and know that the next day I have to get excited for a celebration of life. I miss her still. It sucks not to have a best friend to share life's moments. I have friends, but I know I will never find that bond again. I lost it too young. I will always be thankful for the time we did have together and for the gifts she gave me (including Scott). I miss her. 12 years is a long time not to talk to your best friend. Wedding, 2 kids, life and she's not here. I know there is a reason for everything. I know that. 12 years. It sucks. (deep breath and. . .) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEBBIE!!

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